Bowen and Bug Blocker Service will help you prevent or destroy infestations from a number of common household pests. We can help identify, protect against, and remove nearly anything that might invade your home. Call us for help with any of the following:


Roaches are attracted to all kinds of food in your home, from leftovers to plastic. They mostly come out at night, which means they’re also fairly easy to miss. Here’s how to know if you have a roach problem:

  • Small, dark droppings
  • Smear marks
  • Egg sacks
  • Chew Marks
  • Unusual odor

If you see any of these signs of roaches, make sure to call Bowen & Bug Blocker to clear out your infestation today!

Cartoony Ant — Bradford, FL — Bowen & Bug Blocker Service


The first big sign of an ant infestation is, unsurprisingly, large numbers of ants. Ants can tunnel through the walls or flooring of your home, sting family members or pets, and even carry disease. If you see ants, ant trails, or small circular piles of dirt in or near your home, call us today to exterminate your ant problem.

Cartoony Spider — Bradford, FL — Bowen & Bug Blocker Service


If you have other insects infesting your home, spiders are sure to follow. Even harmless spiders can be terrifying, and many kinds of spiders can cause pain or sickness with a bite. If you think you might have spiders, look for spider webs in corners, basements, closets, storage boxes, and other small, damp spaces. Spider webs can look almost like anything, but once you find it, we can make sure to get rid of them!

Cartoony Bedbug — Bradford, FL — Bowen & Bug Blocker Service


Bedbugs are one of the worst common household pests, and they reproduce very quickly—controlling an infestation can be extremely hard. That’s why you call the professionals! If you see brown, black, or bloody stains on your sheets or mattress, it’s time to call Bowen & Bug Blocker Service. 

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